Newborn Shelves

Are you looking for a tiny wardrobe for your newborn? Are you looking for a cost-effective solution? Do you want a modern, pleasant piece of furniture not cumbersome? Don’t you have much space for your baby boy, but do you need something to storage his clothes and stuff?
Why PlayWood?

I tried to come up with a project that could allow me to create shelves where I could put my kid’s clothes without spending a fortune.
Moreover I needed something that could be folded once he’ll grow up or at least changed in something different. That’s why I opted for a modular piece of furniture made of fir layers boards with a thickness between 16 and 19 mm (¾” and ⅞”).
For the creation of this DIY project I recommend to use PlayWood connectors 90°: They are made of recycled highly performing plastic materials and have a great durability over time allowing you to use them over and over for several DIY designs.
Otherwise you could use common metallic angle connectors 90°. The only disadvantage, according to my experience, is that you’ll have to drill and nail your wooden boards and that means you won’t use them for re-assemble your furniture.
What Do I Need?

In order to build this shelves you should have:
- 8 PlayWood Connectors 90°
- 2 Fir layers Boards 60 x 40 cm - 23,62” x 15,75”
- 2 Fir layers Boards 100 x 40 cm - 39,37” x 15,75”
- 1 Wooden Bar Ø2,8 cm H 100 cm - Ø1,10” H 39,37”
How Do I Build It?

The assembly is quite easy: Firstly you have to build the rack.
You should take your fir layers boards and connect them one another through a junction system, in my case I used PlayWood Connectors 90°. After that you should nail the two sides, in order to stick the wooden bar in the rack and create a clothes stander.
What Are You Waiting For?

Easy, peasy shelfy squeezy: In a couple of steps and less than 10 minutes of work you create a kid’s wardrobe.
It’s brilliant that you can dismantle the project in a couple of minutes by using only an Allen Key!