Ninja Star

Want the best Origami Ninja star? Here are the Steps to the best Ninja star
Two pieces of any kind of paper
A pair of scissors
Step 1: Ninja Star

1st step to make your ninja star is you got to have two papers, and you fold your pieces of paper like this and cut the bottom part off then you open of the paper and it should look like and square, then you fold both of the papers in half and then open it back up
Step 2: Ninja Star

2nd step is you fold both top and bottom until they meet I the middle, the you fold top and bottom on top of each other, then you get one side of the paper and make it to the other side showed in the 3rd picture, then you open both the papers again
Step 3: Ninja Star

3rd step is when you have the paper in the rectangle one of the papers the left side should go down and the right side should go up, then on the other rectangle the left side should go up and the right side should go down
Step 4: Ninja Star

4th step is you should fold the corner on both of the papers so they could look like the second picture above
Step 5: Ninja Star

5th step is when you have the corners folded like the second picture above you fold the corners so they look like trapezoids and then open it up so the edges are creased
Step 6: Ninja Star

6th step is you get the two pieces of papers and make an X with them for of the papers the smooth side should be faced down and the other one with the spilt in the middle
Step 7: Ninja Star

7th step is you get the corners and fold/tuck them into the middle where it is spilt
Step 9: Ninja Star

9th step is have fun with you ninja star