Nixie Watch Prototype_A Alpha
by prototype_mechanic in Circuits > Clocks
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Nixie Watch Prototype_A Alpha

Let me introduce my work of 2 years.
Nixie Watch Prototype_A.
Everyone have seen nixie clock already, but nixie watch is smaller. Let me introduce to you small 4-tubes watch
-Brass case.
-Leather bracelet from high quality leather
-Rechargeable battery via micro-USB.
Fully Assembled and Tested Nixie Watch with 4 Pieces IN-16 NOS Tubes + 1 Tube blink.
Powered By: DC 5V via rechargeable battery or via USB cord. Battery life: 6-16 hours in active mode or more than 3 month in sleep mode.
Settings:: HH-MM-SS/ DD-MM-YY / Energy level/ Change on - off
Dimension: Width 76mm x Height 50mm x Height 26mm
Fully made and assembled by hand.
All questions or comments regarding the assembly, materials, components are welcome.
UPD. Power Source of Prototype_A Alpha
This power source was used in Alpha revision.
Electronics From Prototype_A Alpha and Prototype_A Rev1

Currently buiding Prototype_A rev4!
Prototype alpha was built only as a sample more than two years ago for a customer from Japan. And it still in excelent condition. This is a truly one of a kind watch.
What is the difference? He is a list of specs:
1. Different power system
1.1 Prototype_a alpha:active mode 3-6 hours, Passive mode 30-60 days
1.2 Prototype_a rev4: active mode 12-16 hours, Passive mode 180+days
2. Unique program software
3. Rev4 is smaller in size
Casing Constracting


Casing i builded from Brass.
1. it Steampunked
2. It is really good metal
3. Easy to work with and solder it Case constructed from 11 Parts and 3 buttons

Real high quality leather. Handmade
And More Photos and Manual

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