In a world full of plastic, it is a pleasure to find in nature ways of gardening with organic pieces. I hope you can also change that plastic planter for a more natural.
its so easy and almost for free. we have to avoid the use of plastic in all over the world. I hope youlike it ,rated and vote.
Gather Materials

soft wood log
Coconut shells
TotumoJig saw
carving tools
Shrink Planter.

I cutted a piece of log of 15 cms, drilled some holes and remove the interior with carving tools, then I soften the interior of the log with some rough sand paper. Finnally I draw the bottom of the shrink planter and soften the bottom of the pot.
Coconut and Totumo Planter

This is so funny, for accident I just left the coconut in the fridge for two nights and it just broked in half. I just had to remove the pulp of the coconut with a spoon. For the totumo planter I just drilled in the bottom of the toumo in order to let the water flows out I hope you like it rated and vote