Hi, today we will be learning a bit about robots. Everyone has seen or interacted with a robot as they are everywhere around us. A robot is a machine that carries out tasks programmed by a computer.
Let's not make things too complicated and start out with an easy fun project that can get you started in the world of robots.
I introduce you all to OTTO DIY a very simple assembly project. It uses four servos (motors) to move the body and the legs. For a micro controller it uses a Arduino nano and for the servos, a servo driver.
OTTO can dance, sing, walk, and avoid obstacles, so let's get started.
This is a list of the parts used for this build:
1. Nano ATmega328
2. Nano Shield I/O
3. Mini USB cable.
4. Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04
5. Mini servo SG90 9g x4 (each one should come with 2 M2 pointed screws and one small screw).
6. Buzzer
7. Dupont wire cable connectors.
8. 9 Volt battery case.
9. 9 Volt battery.
10. Mini cross screwdriver. it is important to be magnetized
11. LM7805 9v to 5v converter.
12. 3D printed head, 3D printed body, 3D printed leg x2, 3D printed foot x2.
13 Soldering iron.
14. On/Off switch.
Let's Goooooo.

First we want to make sure we have all of the parts for the project before we begin so go through your list and check.
Now we can start
Grab the bottom piece of the OTTO
next grab a servo and fit it into the left hole and screw it in
do the same with the right hole
the magnetic screwdriver really helps with the small screws.
(the small screws come with the servos in a packet with the plastic adjusters).
Now That's Some Progress.

When we are done placing the servos for the legs we will continue with the legs
grab a leg doesn't matter right or left
next grab a plastic adjuster and fit it into the top of the leg this adjuster has teeth that grab on to the servo motor under the bottom piece of OTTO
once you have your piece connected grab the smaller of the screws and screw it into the opening of the adjuster connected to the servo
now grab the other leg and repeat the same process
you should end up with parallel legs
(label your servos as we need to know which one is which, just do right leg, left leg, right foot, and left foot, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT SO WE DO NOT GET CONFUSED)
We're Onto Something Here.

let's continue with the servos for the feet
grab a servo and run the wire through the opening of the leg that runs to the inside of OTTO then place the servo in the fitting in the leg and screw it in
there is a small hole in the front of the leg that is designed for a small screwdriver
turn the legs to the side and wiggle to make sure its well connected

We have legs and now we need the feet
Grab the right foot and a plastic adjuster
first place the adjuster in the servo that is coming out of the leg and screw it in with the long part facing up
now grab the foot and make sure the flap is facing out
slide the foot and latch it on to the leg this will require some patience and a bit of strength the long part of the plastic adjuster will fall into place as the foot should have an opening to keep it in place
repeat this process with the other foot
You're Doing Great.

Once we are done with the legs we can move on
lets grab the on/off switch and place it on the small opening at the bottom of the OTTO body
run the wire first and then screw it in
now connect the on/off switch to the battery case but do not plug in the battery just yet
Almost There.

for now we are done with the bottom piece of the OTTO body
grab the head or top piece of the OTTO
then grab the Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 and place it inside the head on what looks as the eyes with the connection pins facing up
next we will grab the Nano Shield I/O and the Nano ATmega328 and connect them after that it should be one piece
the Nano needs to be placed inside the OTTO head with the pins facing you and the USB and power connections will help you arrange it, now just screw it in with the leftover screws
Down to the Wire.

After working hard assembling OTTO together we must wire him up to get him going
have some of the dupont wires ready
grab the servo wires and place in the GVS pins 2-5 start with the legs and then the feet
now move on to the Ultrasonic sensor and connect to the GVS pins 8-9
next we will connect the power to the 5V pin and ground to the GND pin
now connect the battery and make sure the switch is on the off position
Plug It In.

after making sure all the cables are connected stuff the cables in between the head and the body inside OTTO
grab the USB and plug it in from the nano to the computer
open arduino software and look for your files
choose the right arduino and make sure the port is set
open your files and compile them
after compiling them upload them and wait for OTTO to come to life
disconnect the arduino from the computer and let OTTO play
You are now done
enjoy your work.