
by floresangel9776 in Workshop > Woodworking

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2021-10-18 (6).png

Figuring out how to organize my school supplies can often be difficult because of the little space on my desk and pencils constantly rolling off the desk with the slightest touch. Since the transition to back in person school we are now required to take our own laptops to school and back home, sometimes forgetting to charge your laptop at the end of one day would be a headache for another because you can't do work with an uncharged laptop, so in my design I added two usb ports so if you forget to charge your laptop at home, you can now do it in class on your desk. Also many pencil boxes have little to no space and dividers to separate each thing so I designed one of my own which would be convenient for not only myself but for others.


  • Fusion 360
  • GrabCAD



When looking for inspiration everything looked very similar, plastic pencil boxes, so when I came across these images the things that stood out to me from these two images are the use of wood, the different places you can sort out your supplies in the first image, and the octagon shape in the second image.



This is a quick sketch of my plan and design

Base Model

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These were the final models I was pleased with that included similar features from the inspiration images such as the wooden material, octagon shape and the two top spaces for supplies. Some other things I added were the two little cabinets in the front as well as two usb ports in the right side.

Adding Supplies

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After changing the colors from the inside of the octabox, I added some pencils, pens, post it notes, glue sticks, and paperclips to show how it would look like with supplies in it, and changed the color of the usb ports.

Final Renders

Finished design#2 v8.png

These are the final renders of this design. In one image the usb ports were blacked out but in the other you can see them fine.


Finished design#2 v8.png

I really enjoyed the process and designing this supplies holder, although I had trouble in the beginning and having to restart multiple times I am satisfied with the final product. Something I learned and enjoyed was learning how to use Fusion 360, before this project I had no prior experience in using Fusion 360 and now I have learned how to use and create designs in Fusion 360.

There is definitely improvements to be made to this design but I think it turned out great for my first model I created in Fusion 360. I will definitely be interested in creating a physical design and see how it turns out. Overall I really enjoyed this experience of creating my design and learning new skills.