True Trigger Knex Gun/Pistol by Bannana Inventor

by bannana inventor in Living > LEGO & K'NEX

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True Trigger Knex Gun/Pistol by Bannana Inventor

Picture 165.jpg
Thank you for viewing this gun. In detail this it a knex pistol it isn't modeled after any real pistol, however with the right rubber bands this gun is very powerful and accurate. When reviewing this remember that this is only the second gun/Instructable I've made so go easy, please.

Starting the Gun Handel

Picture 213.jpg
Build what you see, in case you are wondering the blue pieces are rods sticking up.

Build This.

Picture 214.jpg
This is what you should have now, but also add the second layer of the handle, there is also a gray single connector don't forget to connect that!!! (bottom of the handle) The blue rods go through the orange connectors' holes in case you were wondering.

Build This.

Picture 216.jpg
Build what is in the picture.

Final Handle Step

Picture 218.jpg
Take what you've just made and attach it all together, and congrats you have built the handle of the pistol!!!
P.S. Don't forget the other gray single connector at the bottom left of the handle.

This Is the First Part of Making the Tail End of the Gun.

Picture 219.jpg
Build what is in the picture. Once again the blue pieces are blue rods sticking up.

Build This.

Picture 220.jpg
Build what you see in the picture.

Build the Trigger.

Picture 221.jpg
Build the trigger as you see it. Note top and bottom horizontal pieces are single gray connectors put them ab
ba style if you know what I mean.

Connect This.

Picture 222.jpg
Connect everything together a you see it.

Build the Ram

Picture 223.jpg
Build the ram as shown.

Build This.

Picture 226.jpg
Build what you see in the picture.

Connect and Build This.

Picture 227.jpg
Connect the previous pieces you built as shown, and make the pieces at the bottom too.

Connect the Pieces As Shown.

Picture 228.jpg
piece one slides into gold pieces' holes pieces two snaps into the gold pieces' side.

The Barrel.

Picture 229.jpg
This is the hard part, I could not brake this down for you, however if you have a question or need an image I would be happy to help. Just leave a comment.
(top view of barrel)

More Barrel Pictures

Picture 230.jpg
More barrel pictures. (side view)

More Barrel Pictures.

Picture 234.jpg
More barrel pictures. (front view)

More Barrel Pictures.

Picture 238.jpg
More barrel pictures. (bottom view)
This the last of the barrel pictures sent me a comment if need more.

Adding Rubberband.

Picture 244.jpg
Add the rubber band as the picture shows.

Last Step.

Picture 246.jpg
Connect all the pieces together as shown and your done.
P.S. The gray rod on the ram should go through the orange connectors' hole. If you want a "real trigger" get some string and tie it around the trigger and the firing pin, or just make your own.


True Trigger Addition.

Picture 301.jpg
Picture 302.jpg
Picture 303.jpg
1st pic, build the pieces. 2nd pic, connect as shown. 3rd pic, place trigger as shown on the gun. You will need to add the tan piece as shown in pic 3 and remove the original trigger.