Oreo (and Coffee) Candle

by ruudcreates in Craft > Art

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Oreo (and Coffee) Candle


Too many party's to attend and no more original gift idea's. Start making cool candles which can be made to fit everybody's likings. For this present we made 2 'cups of coffee topped with some whipped cream and cinnamon' candles and a 'stack of Oreo cookies' candle.

Don't forget to add pictures in the comments of your creations.



  • 5 candles
  • crayons for coloring your wax
  • 2 coffee glasses


  • coffee ground
  • cinnamon


  • cooking pan, for melting the candles au bain marie
  • round silicon molds for the fake cookies
  • knife
  • melting pot, for holding the candles during melting
  • hot glue gun
  • scissors

Melt the Candles

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  • Break the candles in order to split the wax from the wick.
  • The last piece of candle can be removed by cutting it in half.
  • Keep the wicks, we will use them in the candles we're about to make.
  • The candles are melted bain marie.
  • When the candles are completely melted, transfer the wax to another cup for mixing.
  • The wax is now ready for coloring.

Coffee Candle

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  • Start with gluing a wick to the bottom of the cup using a hot glue gun.
  • Use a toothpick or something similar to keep the wick straight.
  • Depending on the size of your cups melt enough wax in order to fill them.
  • Once the wax is melted mix it thoroughly with black and brown crayons (approximately 50-50).
  • Pour the colored wax into the coffee cups.

Whipped cream

  • Melt enough wax for the whipped cream (plus some extra).
  • Let the melted wax cool down.
  • Once it is solidified a little start stirring the wax until you obtain a nice cream.
  • Put the cream on your coffee. We made two different toppings.


  • I use as a rule of thumb 1 crayon for 3 melted candles.
  • Try out your crayon on paper before you use them in your candle or you end up with dark purple coffee like me.
  • The purple coffee had lines on the cup due to fast solidification of the wax. Our second attempt we pre-heated the cup to prevent these lines.


  • For extra aroma add a little bit off coffee ground to the melted wax.
  • Finish the candle with cinnamon.

Oreo Candle

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  • Melt enough wax for 4 biscuits.
  • Once the wax is melted mix it thoroughly with black crayons.
  • After mixing pour the wax into the cup cake molds.
  • Once the wax is solidified but still warm remove it from the mold.
  • Add your design to make the cookies look exactly like Oreo biscuits.

Cookie assembly

  • Make whipped cream the same way as for the coffee.
  • Put the cream between two biscuits.
  • With some kind of tool make the cream look nice.

Candle assembly

  • Make a hole through both cookies.
  • Tie a small knot in the wick.
  • Put the wick through the first cookie.
  • Add a little bit wax on top of the first cookie, we did this by lighting a candle and dripping wax on the cookie.
  • Put the second cookie on top.
  • Cut the wick to length.


  • Make a mold for your cookie using sugru of something similar. This makes your cookie much more like the real thing.

Wrap Up Your Gift


Once your candles are finished it's time to wrap up your gift and enjoy the party you are about to attend.


  • This instructable was inspired by some diy candles we found on youtube, especially this one and this one.
  • We didn't have stuff at our disposal for making a mold of a real Oreo cookie, but in the future I will definitely do that for much better results.
  • Add enough crayons for coloring. For example, the Oreo biscuits are a little too light, which could have been solved with more crayons.
  • Let your imagination be the limit. We're already thinking about sculpting some things using the 'whipped cream' method for some future presents.