Origami Air Freshener for Car

Hello everyone, this Instructables is making a swan out of paper, the technique is called origami. It can be used as a decoration for your car, as well as an air freshener. It is going to take no more than 5 minutes, it is easy and convenient. Just follow the steps!

Get a sheet of paper that is square and fold it along one diagonal. Then unfold it

Now fold the lower edges of the square into the centerline. So it looks like a kite.

Flip the kite base over, so the flaps or on the bottom. Then fold the flaps half way to the center line.

Then fold the flaps to the centerline.

Then fold the point of the piece upwards. Then fold the head of the swan downwards.

Then fold the swan half vertically. Then pull the neck of the swan away from the body. This is how the swan is made! Now let's make it for car air freshener!

Put a little hole in the "neck" of the swan.

Put the string in the hole and make a knot.

Get the air freshener materials like small pods or spray it with perfume. Then attach it to your car and enjoy a nice smell coming from origami made swan.