Origami Box Tutorial

This is a simple tutorial for beginners on how to make an origami box that you can open and close.
All you will need is a piece of origami paper, preferably with 2 different colored sides. For mine, I used 15x15cm paper with a white and a black side.
First Fold

For the first step, face the paper as a diamond and fold it on the halfway line. The crease should look like it does on the first photo.
Second Fold

Next, open it back up and fold the side inwards to the halfway line.
Third Fold

Fold the triangle back so that the front sharp piece is back at the base of the black triangle
Fourth Fold

Lastly, fold the whole thing back to the halfway line, tucking everything in. You want what was previously the bottom of our shape to be folded to the middle / halfway point.

Repeat what you just did on the other side.

Once you have repeated everything, you should be looking at something like this.
Boxed Up

Fold the paper in half, and then open in back up. This is one of the most important steps so make sure your fold is smooth and aligned.

For this next step, you are going to take the inside and fold it outwards so that the inner seam meets the middle line. Do this on both sides

Once you have done this for both sides, it should look a little like this.

Flatten what you have just done like a pancake, by pressing downwards and making sure the sides and sticking out. Now, fold the sides inwards to create a square shape.
Flap 1

The first two flaps should fold and touch each other, making sure that you have folded in the most possible without tearing the paper. If you have been neat and precise with your folds, they should touch each other perfectly. Lastly, fold the top inwards as well to form a neat square.

Now fold your new square over onto itself, same as before the most it can go, and you have created the first of 2 flaps for your box. Repeat this process for the other side

Repeat earlier steps
Finished Product

Just like that you have a box that can open and close !!