Origami Wallet

Origami has many different designs and styles. It can be used as a therapeutic method in calming the nerves or relieving stress and can even be an art for some. I wanted to make a origami wallet because its simple and quick and anyone can do it if they have a couple of minutes.

- Paper (8.5 x 11)

First you fold the paper in half.
Even More Folding

Next open the paper back up and fold the right side to the middle crease do the same to the other side as well.
Maybe a Wallet..?

Open the right side and fold that side onto the crease then flip the paper over.
Almost a Wallet

Now you want to fold a small amount of bottom up to the top for both sides. (You also want to fold the corner of the longer rectangle.
Very Close to a Wallet

Next fold it back in half slide the shorter side into the longer side.(Do this for both sides).
Finally a Wallet

Finally fold that in half and now you have your own wallet that can even closes.
Onshape Design.

I've also taken the liberty to show an Onshape drawing of my wallet.