Outdoor Spray

Who loves the good ole outdoors? I do! Especially during summertime :) What I don't like though, are the outdoor annoyances. You can enjoy the outdoors annoyance free with this simple outdoor spray recipe.
What you need:
Essential Oils - Purification, Thieves, Tea Tree and Peppermint (use lavender instead of peppermint for young children)
Distilled water
Directions: (for every once of spray)
Equal parts distilled water and witch hazel. Add witch hazel to the bottle. Then add 3 drops (or more for stronger aroma) of purification, 1 drop of thieves, 1 drop of tea tree and 1 drop of peppermint essential oils. Top it off with distilled water. Shake before use.
Apply topically on the skin as needed and/or spray surfaces, tents, linens, clothing or air.