OwlEye Necklace - Jewelry That Helps Visually Impaired People Navigate
by anton.lenev in Craft > Jewelry
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OwlEye Necklace - Jewelry That Helps Visually Impaired People Navigate

Ones i was going to take part in Junction 2020 hackathon, and i get an idea - why not to try to make simple device what can help visually impaired better navigate in space and that look like necklace?
And thats why i decide to make OwlEye project (not perfect, but a good start for next versions and everyone who decide to make same device for people who need them).
Github repository with code for arduino and additional materials - https://github.com/m0rg0t/OwlEye/
And site where i put all materials about project too - https://owleye.space/

- arduino nano or other compatible board
- eva foam or pla and 3d printer for owl necklace
- HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
- HW-131 power board
- Buzzer
- LEDs
- Vibro motor
- wires, solder and so on
- chain or rope for necklace
Sketch of Necklace

So first of all i make sketch of owl on a paper with sizes i'd like to get.
Then i make photo of sketch and clean it up and make more contrast to make work later easier
Creating Owl Prototype From Eva Foam

Creating 3d Model of Necklace (for 3d Printing)

For 3d modeled owl necklace i deside to use Fusion 360 to make model based on my sketch by importing my drawing and creating "sketch" that after i extrude section by section until i make nessesary owl shape.
But unfortunately i have no time to print it, so left it until next update of this necklace (and this instructuble too)
Create Scheme for Owl Functionality

First of all i draw initial scheme on paper to understand what and where i want to connect
And also i make scheme on tinkercad for more clear view
Writing Arduino Code
Code is very simple and have comments, but lets start from constants section, where i store information about pins i use to connect sensors and output devices
const int VIBRO_PIN = 2; //Digital pin where vibro attahed const int LED_PIN = 3; //Digital pin where led attached const int BUZZER_PIN = 4; //Digital pin where buzzer sound stuff is attached const int HC_TRIG_PIN = 12; //Triger pin of HC-SR04 sensor const int HC_ECHO_PIN = 13; //Echo pin of HC-SR04 sensor
and additional constants that affects how vibro works and so on and you can play with this params to adjast it
const int MIN_TIME = 10; //minimal amount of time we use const int SIGNAL_INCREMENT_TIME = MIN_TIME * 3; const int SIGNAL_PLAY_TIME = 20; const int VIBRO_ADDITIONAL_TIME = 10;
And all code is available at github https://github.com/m0rg0t/OwlEye/
Adding Scheme on Owl

prototype case i just glue al scheme component to owl, but in case of 3d printed one it's possible to add slots for all electronic parts
Testing Necklace and Adjusting Constants in Code for Better User Experiense

So now all components of owl is assembled, painted and so on we can start testing it.
All Work Is Done

And then all work is done i make final pitch video with project description and tests