PC Remote Control

NOTE: This project was posted in 2006. Please view it as LEGACY project only. Because the software available changed dramatically also most of the new computers don't have COM ports anymore.
This project contains all about how to make a chip to control your computer remotely with almost any remote controller you can find in your house. Including, not only winamp control, but full computer control. You can control all your computer programs, procceses, sub-procceses etc.
All parts can by found at local radioshack shop. Everything cost abuot 20$ ,but whole project worth much more.
I'am using Girder software, newest version is 4.0. You can buy it at www.promixis.com/.
You can also find this project in my Language (Lithuanian) at there.
Schematics are made by some guy name Igor. He also made plugin to program girder. OK thanks for Igor and let start making real good gifts!
This project contains all about how to make a chip to control your computer remotely with almost any remote controller you can find in your house. Including, not only winamp control, but full computer control. You can control all your computer programs, procceses, sub-procceses etc.
All parts can by found at local radioshack shop. Everything cost abuot 20$ ,but whole project worth much more.
I'am using Girder software, newest version is 4.0. You can buy it at www.promixis.com/.
You can also find this project in my Language (Lithuanian) at there.
Schematics are made by some guy name Igor. He also made plugin to program girder. OK thanks for Igor and let start making real good gifts!
Part's List

IC - TSOP1738
Resistor - 3k3 or 3k3 (SMD 1206)
Condensator - Ceramic 100nF or 2u2 (SMD 1206) (100nF - 10uF)
Zener diode - 5V1 or 5V1 (SOT23)
RS232 conection - 9pin Female
Resistor - 3k3 or 3k3 (SMD 1206)
Condensator - Ceramic 100nF or 2u2 (SMD 1206) (100nF - 10uF)
Zener diode - 5V1 or 5V1 (SOT23)
RS232 conection - 9pin Female

Solder all parts on RS232 conection. There is 12 steps with explanation how to do that correctly.

You can find full instructions in pdf file which is in help folder of girder. If you read the instructions you will see that is really easy to use girder and it's very functionaly. In there i just show how to turn on Igor plug in. We will need it for our chips. There is images with instructions above.

To test your chip you just need to put it in you pc com port. Turn on Igor plugin settings and press ok. If no errors will be displayed you meet with success! If Hardware problem will be displayed check your soldering. Then if everything works fine try your chip with remote control. Press any button of remote controller and if green indicator will become yellow for a second that means it recived a signal.

You can use hot glue for making a shape.
Other Modifications

Making the chip with smd parts is good idea. Becouse it become much smaler. You can solder cable to IC and prolong distance of reacting. If you maked that is better to place some magnets under IC it's more easyer to put it on pc box. There is some images with smd design and cable design.

In this design hardware is very simple and cheap. I choose Girder becouse it is multilanguage program and it has free versions. It has a lot of hardware plugins too.
For better explanation how to use it read user manual. All remotes controllers works fine with this chip and program.
Just spend 20 minutes and you will have ultimate pc control.
It will cos 10$ - 20$ to you when analogs in stores cost 10 times more.
Have a good and happy New Year!
p.s. My kitty rocks!
For better explanation how to use it read user manual. All remotes controllers works fine with this chip and program.
Just spend 20 minutes and you will have ultimate pc control.
It will cos 10$ - 20$ to you when analogs in stores cost 10 times more.
Have a good and happy New Year!
p.s. My kitty rocks!