by RedCyn1101 in Craft > Photography
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This Photo Booth came from a desire to take pictures of items I have made, family heirlooms or items for sale, whether big like the lamps or as small as the wolf thimble. It is a personal requirement for me to have something I could use as a photo booth then put away due to very limited space in my home and very poor lighting due to trees. Two things that are important to me are: 1) that the background blocks out my personal space and 2) to create a “crackless/seamless” background to not interfere with my subject.
I have found that by rocking the lamp forward or backwards, right or left, as with the flowers, it allows me to manipulate the shadows of my subject and I am happy that I get a better picture. I’m pleased as punch to get it put away under the bed when I'm finished.

Supply List:
First 3 items Purchased at Lowe’s: [*HINT: Make sure the connectors all dry fit before leaving the store]
3 – PVC Pipe - 10’ long x ½ inch
4 – PVC Fittings - ½ inch 90-Degree Elbow [2-holed straight insides (no threads)]
2 – PVC Fittings - ½ inch 90-Degree Side Outlet Elbow [3-holed straight insides (no threads)]
Optional: 1 small can of PVC pipe cement [glue]; Easy Twist Cap 2-in Removal Tool
1 set of shower curtain plastic rings
1 White Cloth shower curtain
1 roll double sided Velcro [can be found at Staples or hobby stores.]
Tools List:
Tape Measure
Hacksaw [Can use chop saw]
Cutting Board
Rubber jar opener
Paper towel
Black marker or Sharpie
Safety equipment: Eye protection; gloves; face mask
Small glue brush or cotton swabs
Cardboard box or brown paper sack - cut open
1 Floor Lamp with dual lights [1 towards ceiling & 1 directional] Can use desk lamp. Mine is from Walmart.
Optional: Small lamp to place behind shower curtain for effects; other background choices for color and texture – use felt, foam, flannel or other fabric over shower curtain – use clothes pins to stabilize
Preparing Your Materials

1. Measure 38 inches on 1 PVC Pipe, mark with Sharpie. Place the cutting board on a hard flat surface (floor, counter, board) and to hold the PVC from rolling, use the rubber jar opener. Use the hacksaw to cut the PVC pipe at your mark. Picture 2 shows using a chop saw. Continue this process until you have 7 pieces that are 38” long. You will have left-overs.
2. Attach shower curtain rings to shower curtain.
3. Cut 2 lengths of the Velcro 11 inches long for a simple 1 time around wrap. Optional: To permanently attach to PVC pipe to reduce loss, cut them 15 inches long. Select the PVC pipe that will have the 2 -90° Side Outlet Elbows attached to glue on the Velcro. See Gluing below.

1. Start assembly in space where you will be using the photo booth. i.e. – on the bed, on a table or floor.
2. Using 1 cut PVC pipe, push on 2 -90° elbows – one on each end.
3. Add 1 cut PVC pipe to each elbow just placed – push into elbow. You now have a “U” shape frame.
4. Repeat step B & C of assembly. You now have 2 “U” shapes.
5. Take 1 “U” shape and push on 1 -90° Side Outlet elbow making sure that the elbow holes, one faces up to the ceiling and one faces towards the other side of the “U” shape.
6. Repeat step E on the other side of the same “U” shape.
7. Add remaining single PVC pipe between 90° Side Outlet elbows – push elbows onto pipe. You now have a square shape frame. Place flat on floor or table for support in next steps.
8. Slide shower curtain onto “U” shape.
9. Decide which side of the shower curtain is not shiny. You will probably like this side best for photos.
10. Holding the “U” shape with the non-shiny side facing away from you and while the square shape is laying flat on the floor or table with the 90° Side Outlet elbows closest to you, push the “U” shape ends into the 3rd hole of the 90° Side Outlet elbows. Now you have a “L” shape frame looking at it from the side.
11. Place frame on bed, table etc. where you will be taking your pictures. Turn frame so that the bottom leg of the “L” is facing you and the shower curtain is farthest away from you.
12. Arrange the shower curtain across the top pipe to pull tight to remove lines and wrinkles [unless you want pleats].
13. Tuck the bottom of the shower curtain under the PVC pipe closest to you and pull until you get a gentle slope in the shower curtain.
14. If you are using the bed, you can place a cardboard box under the shower curtain next to the front PVC pipe to give your photo subject something solid to sit on.
15. Use your lamps for indirect lighting and start having fun!
Disassembly & Storage
1. Remove the top “U” frame that holds the shower curtain. Slightly twist the PVC pipe from the fittings to breakdown the frame.
2. Fold up shower curtain but leave plastic rings attached. I choose to store mine in a Ziploc bag.
3. Leave each elbow attached to at least 1 PVC pipe.
4. Use Velcro to strap PVC pipes flat together.
5. Store away under the bed, in the closet or in the corner until next time.
Optional: Gluing




Once you have your frame completely put together, you may find that you wish to glue some of the elbows to the PVC pipes so those elbows don’t go missing under the bed. I suggest you remove the shower curtain before gluing and have the frame assembled fully so that the elbows are in the correction direction.
1. Use your protective equipment; goggles, gloves, face mask, etc. and make sure you are in a well ventilated area.
2. Place the cardboard box or brown paper sack [cut open] on the surface you will be using to glue your pieces. This will protect your surfaces.
3. Remove both “U” shapes from the frame. Remove the sides of the “U” leaving the 2 -90° elbows on 1 cut PVC pipe [from Step B under assembly].
4. Make sure you do not twist the elbows in the wrong direction when disassembling.
5. When you have removed both “U” shapes, you will be left with 1 PVC pipe attached to the 2 -90° Side Outlet elbows. You will be gluing these together.
6. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safety. The regular instructions are for a water-tight finished product and we do not need that so there is no need for primer.
7. This glue dries in seconds so be prepared. When using the PVC cement, a small amount goes a long way.
8. AVOID ADDING EXTRA GLUE that will run into the other side of the elbow as this will glue all your pieces together.
9. Once you have your 3 pipes with the 6 elbows in front of you ready to glue, remove each elbow and place it next to the end that you will be gluing it back onto and in the direction it belongs.
10. Starting at one end [I chose the right side], apply a small amount of glue around the pipe ONLY. [There is an applicator inside the can already] Quickly add the elbow at an angle and twist it to the correct flat position. Set down on your flat cardboard surface to set.
11. Use your small brush to remove the extra glue and wipe on a paper towel.
12. While that dries, repeat for the next two pipes.
13. Now you have 3 pipes with elbows glued on the right ends. Repeat step 10 to do the left side of each pipe. As you glue on the left side make sure the left elbow matches the direction of the right side and is level/flat to the cardboard surface when you set it down. This ensures a level finished frame. Remember to work quickly.
14. *HINT: You can place a dot of nail polish or other permanent color mark on the PVC which will remind you which pieces are glued together. Might save the sanity.
15. If you have decided to glue on the Velcro, do so at this time and do one at a time. Using the 1 PVC pipe attached to the 2 -90° Side Outlet elbows, dry measure the Velcro by placing it around the PVC pipe with a small amount lapped over itself. Keeping your finger on the place where the Velcro is free, remove the Velcro from the pipe. The short area from the end of the Velcro to your finger is the measurement where you need to add the glue. Add glue to the pokey side of the Velcro making sure the glue penetrates down into the Velcro. Add the Velcro to the pipe about 4 inches in from the elbow. Make sure its tight and hold for 30-60 seconds. Repeat for the other end.
16. Once dried, in about 15 minutes, reassemble frame completely to check alignment.
17. Ta-Dum!! You did it! Disassemble and store away.