PVC Batarang

Welcome to my biggest instructable so far
What You Need
PVC pipe
Heat gun (heat source )
File (dremel)
Spray paint
Piece of wood
Heat gun (heat source )
File (dremel)
Spray paint
Piece of wood
Cutting the Pipe

Cut the pipe straight down the middle
Flattening the Pipe

First to need to put a flat screwdriver in the cut you've made and then heat the pipe with the heat gun and twist it as if your opening a paint can.
Now there should be a large opening in which you should put the pliers. The pliers should be closed so as you heat the pipe open the pliers to make the opening even bigger.
Then use a flat piece if wood to flatten the pipe as you heat it again.
Now the pipe should not be a pipe anymore and should be totally flat.
Now there should be a large opening in which you should put the pliers. The pliers should be closed so as you heat the pipe open the pliers to make the opening even bigger.
Then use a flat piece if wood to flatten the pipe as you heat it again.
Now the pipe should not be a pipe anymore and should be totally flat.
Template Time
Now just google batarang template and print it just remember if you want a big batarang use make the image bigger . I use pages but you could use whatever you like.
Sticking the Template on the PVC

It's quite easy.
Rough Cuts

Cut if any big edges but try to get as close to the template as possible so that you don't have to do as much sanding.
Sanding and Filing
Now just file of any left overs using a file or a dremel. I used a dremel because I didn't have a round file.
Now Sand the left and right wings so it looks sharp.
Now Sand the left and right wings so it looks sharp.
Taking of the Template

I put the batarang in a bowl and added warm water so that I could easily take of the template.
Paint It

Now for the fun part!
Lightly spray one side first , be careful not to spray on to much or else the paint will make lumps.
After spraying both sides push the bottom of the batarang into an egg carton and spray the top.
Lightly spray one side first , be careful not to spray on to much or else the paint will make lumps.
After spraying both sides push the bottom of the batarang into an egg carton and spray the top.
Now You're Ready to Fight Crime
My batarang turned out much better than I had expected I hope yours does too.. In a good way of course.
Thank you for reading this instructable I really hope you followed, if you like it please share and comment.
I hope you'll have fun doing this project
Thank you for reading this instructable I really hope you followed, if you like it please share and comment.
I hope you'll have fun doing this project