PVC Soccer Goals

Tools and Supplies

* handsaw
* PVC glue
* drill w/ bit slightly larger than wire
* pliers and/or wire cutters
* roll of white duck tape
* tape measure
* Sharpie
* Nylon cord (if you plan to make your own net)
For each goal you want to make (we constructed two), you will need at least:
* (x6) rounded PVC corners
* (x4) T-style PVC connectors
* 1 1/2" PVC pipe (amount depends on size, roughly 50' for 5'x8' design)
* 14 gauge (approximate) galvanized steel wire
Alternate 5' x 10' goal design checklist:
* (x4) 3-way 90 degree PVC connectors
* (x4) internal 45o elbows
* (x2) 90 degree joints
* 1/2" PVC pipe (amount depends on size, roughly 60' for 5'x10' design shown)
As for the PVC size- I suppose it's worth mentioning that you must have connectors that match the size of the PVC you've chosen. The original goals (not of my design) used 1 1/2" PVC, however I believe 1 1/4" is nearly as strong, as well as being slightly lighter weight and about $1.00 cheaper per 10' pipe. The smaller you go in size, the cheaper it will be, but that starts to trade off with how rigid the goals will play. It's also worth noting you may need to order connectors online, depending on what you find at the local hardware stores.
Making the Cut

Come Together

Reinforce the Connections

Adding the Net

More recently I came across a pretty cool project entered in the beauty contest here at Instructables and was inspired to use this technique to create a new set of net goals. If I ever get time to create some new nets for our goals I will be sure to post some pictures. These upgraded nets would also likely be attached using zip ties.
Design Flaw/Fix

A few extra joints doesn't effect functionality, but it will add some cost to your project. Instead, the flaw we noticed after several games was that occasionally a shot would hit at the top of the support bars and bounce out. Unless you had tracked the shot, it often appeared that it had hit the crossbar and would still be in play. Many times the shooter was the only one who could really tell whether it was a good goal or not.
If this is a problem, you can add a joint (or two) to this support bar that enables the top to go straight back at 90 degrees to help avoid in-game confusion. You will want to do this before you glue and wire them together. That will allow shots to hit the back of the goal which everyone should be able to easily discern.
Alternate Design

I think the smaller pipe would work fine for kids, but teens and adults would probably want to spend a little extra and use thicker pipe. It costs a bit more, but the extra sturdiness is well worth it. Another advantage of this design is that by simply removing the crossbar and back support, this is very easy to store in a garage.
Optional PVC Side Project

I had a few leftover bits of 1/2" PVC pipe, and decided they would make good corner sticks. This inspiration came to me after taking apart a non-working solar yard light. I realized the stake part came out easily and could be attached to the PVC pipe with a simple T-cut in the end. Since you are sawing down be careful, I ended up with a nice little gash in the thumb for my effort. It looks kind of like a spear at this point, you need something to show which way the wind is blowing and to make it more visible. I simply tied a band to the top similar to the top of an NFL field goal post. Flags are traditional for the top of the corner stick, and if you happen to have an instructable robot patch, I think it would be quite dashing in the center. You can use anything really, part of a t-shirt, plastic garbage sack, whatever can be tied to the top and make it visible.
Acquiring Free Supplies

Have Fun!

Hope you've enjoyed reading, this has been my 11th instructable, and unfortunetely the first of 2010. However, it is entered in the dadcando contest, so if you liked it please remember to vote at the appropriate time. Rating and comments are also encouraged, and I'd love to see pictures of some goals other people have constructed. I haven't given any digital patches away, so post some pics of your own project and you will be rewarded!