Painting Controller

By the end of this project you should have a good paint job on your new or old controller. if you want to do this this is for decoration with your controller not playing so if you have a junk controller just laying around i would recommend this. That´s what i did with this one.

You need two types of paint that stick to plastic. a controller, paintbrushes a small and big one, and tape.

cut some tape and cover the buttons, joysticks, and ports/jacks of this controller. So no paint can get in.

Paint in the area that you made sure there is no ports, joysticks, or buttons showing then wait a day.
Taking Off Tape

After you wait a day peel off the tape then put a design on it and wait another day.
Painting a Design

Then put a design on it after you wait a day then you have a new painted Xbox controller.