Pallet Shoe Rack

I needed a space to put my shoes in my room. Making this rack was free and easy as I already had all the resources I needed. It was a very fun build :)
Take Apart the Pallet

The pallet was going to go in a skip so I saved it, so that I could use it to make something usefull. First I tried taking the pallet apart with a crowbar and all the wood snapped. This was because it was an old crowbar which wasn't very good. So instead I decided to cut the pallet in half and dismantle it with two hammers. This was much quicker and easier to do.
Remove Nails

Once the pallet is dismantled there will still be lots of nails in the pallet. I took these out with a small hammer. Some nails were very difficult to remove as they had been bent. For these nails pliers were used.
Screw the Pallets

I planned in my head how the rack would fit together. I decided to use some fixit blocks and screws to hold it all together. Then began to screw it all together. I found it easiest to put it together in stages doing all the top prices first. This was a very quick process because the Yankee screwed the screws in very fast. An electric screwdriver or drill would do the same job.
Make the Shelf

Then the shelf was added. For this I needed to cut some slightly smaller planks so that they would fit on the inside. I measured halfway up all of the planks so that all the pallets would be at the same level. I then did the same as last step and screwed them together using fixit blocks and screws. I was planning to have a bottom to the shoe rack but I did not have enough wood so I left it out.
Making and Screwing on Supports

The supports were then made by cutting another few pallets up. I needed two for each side then two for on the top. Once they had been cut out I measured and marked out where the screws would go and drilled some pilot holes. After that I screwed it all together making sure that it felt very sturdy.
Quick Sand Down

I quickly sanded it all down to make it look smoother. I used 60 grit first to smooth all the edges and to get all large splinters of wood off. After that I used 120 grit on a few bits and it was all done.

I was really happy with the result and now I have somewhere to put my shoes. I used the exact same process to make a vinyl record storage box. Apart from the fact that I put in a base instead of a shelf. Hope you enjoyed :)