Paper Boat

This is a simple boat made out of an 8 1/2 X 11-inch sheet of paper. I learned this as a child and have never forgotten the steps.

All you need for this project is a sheet of 8 1/2 X 11-inch sheet of paper and a large, flat surface.
Fold in Half

Fold the paper in half from the top to the bottom, leaving the open end near you.
Create a Crease

Fold the paper in half again from the left side to to the right. Then, open the paper back up to reveal a vertical crease down the middle
Make Two Diagonal Folds

With the open end near you, fold down the top corners towards the middle of the paper while leaving space at the bottom. Make sure the folds line up with the center crease. Crease along the edges to secure the folds
Fold the Bottom Up and Over

- Grab the flap at the bottom of the paper and fold it up against the bottom of the 2 folded triangles.
- Grab the corners of the rectangle that are sticking out over the triangle and wrap these parts of the paper around the edges of the triangle. Crease them so that they stay wrapped around the edge of the triangle.
- Flip the paper over and repeat Steps 1 and 2.
Make the Triangle Into a Square

Pick up the triangle, then use your fingers to open up the bottom of the triangle. Pull the paper apart gently until it pops into a square shape. Make sure the bottom corners of the triangle fold over each other and become the bottom corner of a diamond
Fold Up the Bottom Flats

Arrange your paper so that the bottom points of the diamond can fold upward. Fold up 1 corner, aligning it with the top corner. Then, flip the paper over and do the same thing to the other side.
Make the Triangle Into a Square, Again

Just like last time, pick up the triangle, then open up the bottom of your new triangle with your fingers. Crease the paper along its edges so that it stays in a square shape.
Pull Out the Triangles to Complete the Boat

Start at the top of the diamond and gently pull the two sides apart so that the seam running down the middle of the diamond expands. Crease the bottom of the folded-out sides to make the boat a bit stronger.
Voila! You have a boat.