Paper Christmas Ornaments

by ButtercupYupCreates in Craft > Paper

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Paper Christmas Ornaments


This Paper Christmas Ornament Project is great to carry out as a family, or individually! It allows you and your family to have some quality family time, as well as show off your creative and crafty side. Create your own Paper Christmas Ornament/s by following the steps below consecutively. Enjoy!


Aim: To create a D.I.Y. Christmas ornament made from paper. 


1 sheet of Green Paper

1 sheet of Pink Paper, Yellow paper, Purple paper, and Blue paper




Glue stick


Black Marker "Preferably thick: Sharpie, etc."



Watch the following videos within the next few steps:

The Star

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You will now grab your piece of yellow paper and draw one star for the top of your tree. Draw it on scale in reference to your Christmas tree, though make sure not to make it too small. You can of course redraw your star if you make any mistakes. If you have created more than one tree, you can make multiple stars, matching the number of trees in which you have created.

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If you have created more than one star for multiple trees, then you can use your ruler and pencil to create specific areas for each star to lye within. This will come in handy in later steps.

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If you have created multiple stars, you can now cut out the table of stars in which you have just created.

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If you would like your stars to look more complex and distinguished, then you can now add another point in between the the points of the star which you have already created with your pencil.

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If you have created multiple stars, you can now cut them out into individual square fragments.

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You will now color the outline of your star/s with a thick black marker to give it/ them a more defined look. After this, cut it/ them out using your scissors.

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Now cut off a reasonably sized piece of string in reference to the size of your Christmas tree for the loop attatchment to make this ornament come to life. "Do this using your scissors."

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Cut a small piece of tape and crop it using your scissors to create a small piece in which stretches across the area of your star/s perfectly.

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WhatsApp Image 2021-12-16 at 1.39.24 PM (1).jpeg

After this, attach the piece of tape to the two ends of the piece of string, keeping the two ends in close proximity to leave some open space on the two outer sides for it to easily attach to your star. After this, attach this combination to the back of your star.

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After this, attach this top section of your creation to the bottom tree part by using a piece of looped tape in which acts like double sided tape. If you don't know how to do this, just pull one side of the tape to the opposing side and attach it to it. Leaving enough area space where the two ends overlap for the two ends to stay sticked together.

You will now attach the "double sided' piece of tape to the back of the star, and furthermore, attach the back of the star to the tip of the tree where the star should have originally been placed. Make sure that the star is thoroughly attached to the tree itself and it's tape holding it to the tree is fully applied on only the area of the tree. Not showing any visible excess tape hanging off the side of the tree in any visible way.

Your Christmas tree ornament is now complete!