Paper Clay Mask

I made a Mask using paper clay, primer and paints inspired from Venom, for my Creative Design assignment. I tried to make it on the scarier side, like a halloween mask.
From the undefined clay shape, I had to smoothen it and roll it alot, and add a little water in between.This was to make it smooth and softer, and easy to mould.
After making a ball, I flattened it into a mask layout and shape. I smoothened the edges to make it similar to a face.
I added details on the face of Venom, like the huge slit shaped eyes, and the big mouth with sharp teeth. Then i made two sizeable holes for the eyes.

Let it dry for about a week (few hours would be fine), so that it became hard and sturdy.

First add a layer of white primer to the entire mask area to be painted, and let it dry for 15 mins. Once it's dried, decide a colour palette to use and paint the entire mask. I decided to use mostly Red and Black, as they match and go well with each other. I only used white for the teeth.
Making a Stand

While the paint dries, make a stand to support the mask using any material like plastic.