Paper Flower Bouquet

Today you will make and complete a paper flower bouquet. This project is fun and simple, you can do it with your kids make sure they are careful

Here is what you need:
- a clean workspace
- different pieces of colored construction paper
- scissors or you can use a laser printer/cutter if you have one accessible
- super glue or some type of really strong glue
- tape
- a pair of tweezers
- if you are a perfectionist you might want to use a ruler
Cut Out the Petals

Now, cut out tons of different shapes out of 2x2 inch squares. Make sure to cut a lot out like the heart petals shown above.
Adding Glue & Starting to Make the Flower Bud

After you've cut the petals out, play around with how you want the flower to look. After you find how you want the flower to look, grab your super glue and put a little on the bottom part of the petal.
Gluing the Petals

Once you have glue on your petal, you'll need to glue it to a different petal. Make sure to use your tweezers for this step so you don't get glue on your hands. (you can blow on the glue to help it dry faster. Make sure to leave a small hole for the stem
Finishing the Flower

Keep gluing your petals and get higher and higher up the flower until it looks like what you want or a flower
Making More Flowers

Repeat the steps with your different petals, go until you have how ever many flowers you want. If you want you can bend the paper a little to make it look like the flower has some dimension.
Making the Stems

Once you have your flowers finished, cut your paper into short thick strips. Cut out as many as you need
Finishing the Stems

Roll the strips of paper diagonally until you have reached the opposite end. Once you have your stem all ready to go you can either use a little bit of glue or you can use a piece of tape as the size shown above
Putting the Flowers & Stems Together

Grab your flower stems and flowers, and insert the stem into the flower. To secure it you can either tape or glue the flower to the stem