Paper Laminated Torch Case

by BevCanTech in Craft > Paper

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Paper Laminated Torch Case

Paper laminated Torch body

Since making a toy by covering a balloon with paper laminate, (also called paper mache),
I have wanted to try the technique to make something which otherwise may have been made using 3D printing.

The opportunity to make a case for a small torch presented itself after buying a hand cranking torch to see if the generator in it could power another project I was working on.

I like how the torch case turned out, it has a nice feel in the hand, is strong, small and compact.

I added the circuitry from a solar garden light. This also provided the switch and AAA battery holder. The Paper Case Torch runs off a single AAA battery. The lens and light came form the hand cranking torch as they weren't required in the other project.

Paper Laminating


The hand cranking torch case was used as a mold. It was first covered in plastic packing tape to assist with separation.

Paper strips were torn from a newspaper and dipped in glue. The glued covered strips were then applied over the mold. Strips were layered horizontally and then vertically. After about 6 layers had been applied the glue was allowed to dry for a couple of days (placing it on a window ledge with the window a-jar helped). Then another 6 layers of paper lamination were applied and allowed to dry.

Removing From Mold


After the paper was completely dry, it was removed from the mold by cutting down the middle using a box cutter knife. This was done slowly with care. It was then praised off the mold.

Adding a Joining Strip


So the two halves could be secured together, a strip of cardboard was hot glued along one side, this was slightly springy and allowed the two halves to stay together with no other means being required.

The front covering from from the hand crank torch was add as well as it's lens and reflector.

Other Stuff


While the body of the torch is now complete. I will briefly cover how it was made to shine:

  • A $2 solar garden light was dismantled for it's battery holder, switch and circuitry
  • These were then soldered to the LEDs from the hand crank torch. These were then assembled in the paper laminated body.

Finished Paper Laminated Torch


While the paper lamination could have been painted, I choose to leave it as it is was, as it feels good to hold and looks distinctive. If future water proofing is required, I will apply a coat of polyethene.