Paper Mache Butterfly

by kpoust3 in Craft > Paper

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Paper Mache Butterfly


Butterflies are pieces of art in nature. It's a shame that they are so small and their beauty is hard to study with the naked eye. That's why we created a larger-than-life model of a Blue Morpho Butterfly!

Here's how to make one for yourself.

Step 1: Tools and Supplies


  • exacto-knife
  • scissors
  • wire cutters
  • hot-glue gun
  • mixing tool
  • paint brushes


  • cardboard
  • sharpie
  • acrylic paint
  • wire
  • newspaper
  • glue
  • water
  • dish or bowl

Step 2: Preparing Your Cutout


First, the butterfly will need to have something to be molded around.

  1. Using cardboard, sketch out a pair of top wings and bottom wings, as well as a body for the butterfly (each wing should be about a foot in width and height)
  2. With your Exacto-knife, cut each wing and body from the cardboard

Step 3: Start to Mache

Now, it's time to create the butterfly with paper mache. First, prepare your glue mixture:
  1. Using equal parts water and glue, mix the two ingredients together in a bowl and set aside
  2. Using scissors, cut strips of newspaper ranging from 1 inch in width to 1/2 inch (width needs to vary based on the tightness of the curves you're molding around)
  3. Choose a cutout to start mache on
  4. Dip the newspaper strip in the glue-water mixture, and remove excess with your fingers
  5. Wrap each newspaper stip, one at a time, around your cutout
  6. Set aside to dry

Step 4: Paint Your Wings and Body


Now it's time to paint!

  1. First, mix your colors separately (You can use any colors you like, but we used a Blue Morpho Butterfly as reference)
  2. Paint your butterfly wings, then body. Use black for shadows and white for highlights

Step 5: Put Your Butterfly Together!

  1. Start heating up your hot glue gun
  2. Using your wire cutters, cut a 1 1/2 foot segment of wire
  3. Repeat
  4. Using the wire cutters, curl the end of each wire to make antennae
  5. Poke a hole with the wire on either side of the head
  6. Coat the end of each wire with hot glue and stick them back in the holes created
  7. Hot glue each wing, with the top wing over the bottom wing
  8. Hot glue each wing segment to the body

Step 6: Enjoy!!!

  • Your butterfly is complete!