Paper Mache Mask
I created a handmade mask using paper mache, a method where layers of paper clay is molded into shape. The mask has a sturdy, three-dimensional structure with a smooth finish that’s ready for decoration. Once dried and hardened, the mask is durable and can be painted or further shaped for a unique, custom design."
you need newspaper, paper tape, paper mache, mesh cloth, paints, varnish(optional)

Begin by shaping newspaper into the basic form of your mask. Crumple and layer the newspaper to create the structure you want, whether it’s a full-face mask, half-mask, or a unique shape. Use duct tape to secure the newspaper layers and hold the shape in place. The taped newspaper will serve as a sturdy base for applying the paper mache layers.

once the newspapers are layered it should look something like this,

Begin by creating a flat base with the paper mache paste. Spread the paste evenly across your work surface. While it's still wet, press the cloth mesh firmly onto the flat base, making sure it adheres well. The mesh will provide added stability as the base dries

Once the cloth mesh is pressed onto the flat base, start molding the desired shape for your mask by adding more paper mache. Carefully shape the eyes, nose, and ears, adjusting as needed to achieve the look you want. Smooth the edges and contours to ensure the mask takes on the desired form while still maintaining its structural integrity.

Allow the mask to dry completely, ensuring it hardens and holds its shape. Once dry, unleash your creativity by painting and decorating the mask. You can add vibrant colors, intricate patterns, or even texture to give it a unique, personal touch.
Next, add details such as eyebrows, a nose, and any other facial features you'd like to enhance. You can shape the eyebrows using paint, fabric, or other materials for added dimension.
Once you've completed the painting and added all your decorative details, finish the mask by applying a coat of varnish. This will help protect your design and give it a smooth, glossy finish. Allow the varnish to dry completely.
Finally, place your finished mask on a stand to display it proudly. This stand will help keep its shape and showcase your creative work.