Paper Mache Mushroom

this is a paper mache mushroom for easy crafty décor.
hot glue
exacto knife or scissors

grab thin paper and measure/mark it for every inch

cut as much paper as you feel necessary at the inch mark. you can repeat this step later on if more paper is required.

grab a balloon and inflate it

secure the balloon down to something so it doesn't move around

cover the top half of the balloon in a nice layer of glue that looks like the shape of a bowl

use the paper you cut out earlier and paste it using the glue on the balloon. make this into the shape of a bowl

you want to do at least 2-3 layers of this to make sure the paper holds. once it is fully formed in the shape of the bowl paint on one last layer of glue and let it dry.

after the paper is fully dry pop the balloon and peel it off of the paper.

grab pieces of full paper and roll them up to create a large roll.

take a piece of paper and put glue on one edge. then place the rolled up paper on the glue.

roll the paper roll into the new paper to make the roll thicker

once you get the roll to about an inch or more of thickness get your cut pieces of paper and apply glue on one side of them.

place the piece of paper around the rolled paper to add thickness of the paper around the bottom.

hot glue the stem of the mushroom that you just made to the center of the inside of the paper bowl.

cut out lots paper in this shape to put on the inside of the bowl.

glue the pieces of paper into the bowl like this.

once all the pieces are glued in dry paint on some brown in order to add dimension.

paint the stem.

mix paint to paint the mushroom cap.

paint the cap of the mushroom.

once the paint is fully on and dried paint on white dots. this can be done with 3D paint or normal white paint according to preference.

once the paint is dried you are done!!