Paper Plane

Paper plane :D :D
Doing It XD

fold the paper in half :D and make sure you got A4 paper format normally :v
Doing It XD

unfold what you fold XD
Folding :D

now do that on the picture XD
Folding :D

when you do that last step fold it down idk english very good i dont know how i can explain XD
Folding :D

then fold the top to the edge that you fold XD o.o
Folding Pro :D

then unfold it and do that on picture XD

then you will have that piece ... just cover it up. get it? XD
Almost Done

turn over ur paper k?
Almost ._.

then fold that lil piece about 5 or 3 milimeters idk just make sure its not too tiny XD
Folding Almost Done

fold tha plane :D
Folding ):

fold the wing :v do that on other side :D

it will look something liek thies XDDD
Folding :/

fold these lil wings make sure its small but also make sure its not too small
Flding :)

do that on another side it will look somthing like this

on the end curve this lil bit up . :D you are done do that on another side an it will fly like a bird XD :D BYEEEE