Paper Ring Tutorial Inspired by Taylor Swift´s Song "Paper Rings"

by 25vargas6552 in Craft > Jewelry

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Paper Ring Tutorial Inspired by Taylor Swift´s Song "Paper Rings"


Are you a Taylor Swift Fan? Have you been looking for merch that isn't expensive or too flashy? Well, I have the perfect product for you! This is a wire ring with a heart-shaped figure made out of paper in the center. This ring is inspired by the song "Paper Rings" in Taylor Swift´s Album "Lover". Paper rings is one of many fan favorites and are a great idea for a piece of jewelry if you want something not as flashy as a hoodie with her face on it. Sometimes is difficult to find a subtle merch item but with this ring, someone who is a fan would be able to recognize it and someone who is not a fan would just think it's a lovely ring. If you are looking for simple but cute merch then keep reading to see how to make this ring!!


  • Any color thin wire
  • Something to cut the wire (Sharp scissors can do)
  • Small tube to use for the shape of the finger (if you don't have this you can use your finger but it will be more tricky.)
  • Small piece of paper 
  • Transparent nail polish

Cut the Wire


Get the wire and cut it 100 cm with the scissors.

Start the Shape!


Twist the wire around the object you used to meassure your finger size four times and if you don't find something the size of your finger then you can twist it around your finger. But if you are using your finger make sure that's not tight and leaves a tiny bit of space If you lift the ring from the bottom while on your finger you should be able to see a 1 cm gap, this is to make sure it's comfortable.

Tuck in the Sharp Piece!


Make sure to tuck the first end of the wire into little circles in the wire so it's not out and poking your skin.

Now the Paper!


Get a piece of paper recommendable post it for the size and cut it into 4 pieces. Take on fo the pieces and with that, you are going to make a heart.

How Do I Make a Heart?


First, put the tip of the paper to point upwards, and fold it in half. Secondly, open up the fold and fold the other half and open it up. Thirdly, fold the tip of one corner until the center of the square. Get the opposite tip and fold it until you get to the other end. Now use the right corner of the posit it and fold it so the tip ends up pointing upwards and do the same on the other side. Finally, fold the sides that are pointy and sticking out so your heart is more round.

Fix Heart!


If the heart is not the perfect shape then get scissors and cut the edges and perfect it to your liking.

Harden Your Heart


Add transparent nail polish to the heart everywhere to make sure it's not too fragile and this way it won't break or fall apart that easily.

Now Put It Together!


Now that you have your heart and the base of the ring are ready, put the heart in between one of the many layers you did of the wire. After that twist the end of the wire that's still out and twist it into a corner of the heart twice. After that twist the other corner as well and on the bottom all of these, two times. If you want to make sure it's more secure then you can twist in other directions you think is possible for the heart to fall.

Tuck It In!


Tuck the end of the wire to the side of the heart and twist until there is nothing left and make sure that the end points outside of were your fingers are supposed to go. This is to make sure the end doesn't poke your skin and its more comfortable for you.



Put it on and tell your friends how amazing and pretty your ring is as you play paper rings in the background!