Paper Roll Racecar

It's a Paper-Roll Racecar. I had a lot of fun making this as a small child.

You will need a paper roll, colored paper, scissors, and glue.
Cutting a Hole

Cut a U shaped hole and trim to likeness of the photo.

Wrap in colored paper and trim to paper rolls likeness.

Use a circular stencil to draw multiple circles, then cut them out and glue them to the paper roll. Next Do the same thing, but smaller and a different color to make the rims.

Draw racing stripes on the top with a sharpie.
Wind Shield

Cut out a half circle shape of white or baby blue paper and glue on to the flap.

Create a spoiler using 2 paper triangles and a trapezoid. Do this by gluing the triangles facing upwards to create a slant for the spoiler. Glue the trapezoid on top of the triangles.