Paperplate Butterfly

This is a simple paperplate craft that can be done with preschool through first grade.

paper lunch plate
Craft plate
Glue stick
ribbon or shredded tissue paper

Color the outside of the white paperplate with color of your choice for the background. I chose green to look like the grass.

Draw a butterfly on small craft paper plate.

Cut out the butterfly on craft paper plate.

Glue the butterfly to the white paper plate.

attach the shredded tissue paper to the head of the butterfly. These will be the antennas.

Attach the shredded tissue paper to the middle of the butterfly. This will be the body.

Take a crayon and color the dot pattern on the wings. Butterfly wings look the same on both sides. This is called symmetry.
Use crayons to draw flowers on the paper plate. I drew a flower on each side to give it balance.

The last step is to draw long and short blades of grass under the butterfly. Grass is different sizes so this will add more detail.