Pen & Pencil Holder

Pens and pencils are mighty useful but only if one is available when required by being kept organised and ready to hand. This can be achieved with a pen and pencil holder made from a beverage can.
Beverage can
Remove Label

Obtain a beverage can and drink the contents. Remove the label of the can by peeling it off. Not all cans have peelable labels, so feel free to leave it on or paint over it.
File Lid Off.

File the lid off the can, using a file. Rotate the can after every 10 file strokes and give another 10 strokes. The lid will come off after a few minutes of filing.
Smooth Edge

Smooth the edge of the can with some fine sand paper, say grade 280 or 400 grade.
Coins Too

There you have it: a pen and pencil holder.
Not only good for holding pens and pencils but can also be used for holding coins or for the more adventurous, both coins and pens.