Penknife Leather Pouch.

In my last Birthday my family gave a me a nice Swiss Army Leather Knife, one of the best thing I could desire. You Know me ...when I get a new gadget its time to create and better up a little. So I decided to make a nice leather pouch, in despite that I'm not a fine Leather worker I did a little research on the Web, and this is the final result. Hope you like it.
Material and Stuff .

Leather left overs from other projects.
Piece of wood.
Leather needle.
Dremel Stylus.
Leather thread.
Wet Molding

To start, Putted the leather in some water for about one hour.Then I draw the shape of the Penknife in some wood and carve it the same size and shape. This is going to be the mold, in other board I perfored and make the.other part of the mold.With the help of a C Clamp I made the molding process. Let it dry for about two days, and get it of the mold.You must have the other piece of leather wet too.
Cutting & Stitching.

You must clean the leather and perfored with the Dremel Stylus where the stitches is going to be.First I cutted the band where is going to be my belt and the locker pieceand sew it to the base.Its a hard work to do and I must to be careful with the needle and don't stitch my fingers together.When I finished to stitch I just draw the final shape of the pouch and cutted the remaining parts. Then Sand the edges and smooth with some stick.
Final Touches.

Finnally its ready to accomplis its use. It was a hard one to do but It's tottally worthy I like the rough and minimalistic style. the final product. I hope you like it. Tell me How do you like Pocket tools..? Cause I really do. Don't be shy, leave a comment below and don't forget to vote.
Only f I'm worthy.