Pet Ball.

My Beloved Pet loves to Rip in Pieces all the toys that we bought for her, so I decided to Made some Unbreakable Toy for its pleasure.
After a day It´s ready to test it on the field.
Hope your pet Enjoy it a lot or more than mine.
After a day It´s ready to test it on the field.
Hope your pet Enjoy it a lot or more than mine.

Inner bike tube.
Rubber solution.
Zip ties.
Deodorant Ball
Rubber solution.
Zip ties.
Deodorant Ball

Cut The inner Bike tube in 1 cms wide stripe, and wrap around the deodorant ball, applying Rubber solution in the process of wrapping.
when you finished Wrap the ball with zip ties and let dry the Rubber solution.
after one or two Days its ready to use. Dont worry..rubber solution dry so fast so it isnt harmfull for your pets, but anyway wash propertly after each use.
when you finished Wrap the ball with zip ties and let dry the Rubber solution.
after one or two Days its ready to use. Dont worry..rubber solution dry so fast so it isnt harmfull for your pets, but anyway wash propertly after each use.
Go Let It Out.

go out and have some fun, one little contra is that after each launching your arm gets painfull, but i´m working ina simple launchin system, later you will see.
Hope your pet Enjoy it a lot or more than mine.
Untl the next ible.
Hope your pet Enjoy it a lot or more than mine.
Untl the next ible.