Pickle Rick - Rick and Morty

Pickle Rick. Pretty self explanatory. I really like Rick and Morty so I decided to create my own pickle rick. Enjoy this build :)
- 3D Printer
- Micro SD Card
- Laptop
- STL files
- Filament (of your choice, Green, White, and Black)
- Sandpaper (140 Grit, 300 Grit, 600 Grit, 1000 Grit)
- Needle Nose Pliers
- 3 Inch Scraper
- Spray Paint (did not have green filament)
- Markers
- Glue (Cyanoacrylate)
Gather Materials

To start this incredible project you will need to gather the materials. Most of these materials can be found in your house. the others are easily accessible.
Slicing 3D Pickle Rick

After gathering the materials you are going to prepare for 3D printing
You are going to need
- Computer
- STL Files
- Slicer (whichever works for you)
1. Firstly, you are going to need to download the files linked.
2. After downloading the files you are going to open your Slicer of Choice. I prefer using Ultimaker Cura as I'm more familiar with it
3. You then drag and drop the files downloaded into your slicer. The files have the corresponding filament color needed to 3D print them. You can print the two Greens at the same time.
4. When you have dragged your files you are going to size them to the size you want. I sized them 250% bigger.
5. Then you are going to put in your specs. I used a 0.2mm layer size at 60mm/s. You are going to need to use supports for the face of Pickle Rick
6. After double-checking everything you are going to slice the object and add it to your Micro SD Card of choice.
And BOOM you are done with Step 2
3D Printing

You have now gotten to the best part, 3D printing.
For this step you need
- Filament (I used PLA)
- 3-inch Scraper
- 3D Printer
- Micro SD Card
1. Insert Micro SD Card into 3d printer
2. When you have done this you need to preheat your 3D printer
3. After doing this you are going to start 3D printing
4. Using the 3-inch scraper pick up the 3d print without scraping the bed.
Repeat steps 2-4 until you have printed the 5 pieces
Removing Supoorts

Here comes the tedious task, of removing supports. If you have already 3D printed you know how annoying they are. To make this easier I use, 150 grit sandpaper, needle nose pliers, nippers, and a 3-inch scraper.
1. To start of beginning removing the big supports with the needle nose pliers
2. After removing the easy supports use the nippers to start removing the harder supports.
3. When you have gotten rid of most of the supports use the scraper to remove the little bits and pieces
4. Finishing off grab the 150 grit sandpaper and sand the places where you can still see support residue
You have now finished the worst part!

You have now reached the sanding phase. Also, pretty bad. For this step, you are going to need
- 150 Grit Sandpaper
- 300 Grit Sandpaper
- 600 Grit Sandpaper
- 1000 Grit Sandpaper
To kick things off
1. Take the 150 Grit and scuff up all the surfaces, remember to sand in circular motions
2. Take the 300 Grit and go over everything you have already sanded, you can also get into the mouth to size them as the builds tolerance is very tight
3. Grab the 600 Grit and do the same, you will start to notice that you won't see the layer lines
4. Finish off with the 1000 Grit. This will make the parts very smooth (it's worth it).
(You can see sanded vs not sanded in the pictures)
Putting the Mouth Together

Putting the mouth together. Congratulations you are almost done. For this you need
- Teeth (the white dots)
- Tounge
- The mouth holder
1. Start by putting the tongue in, it should hold on to itself, if not put a little glue
2. Then put in the teeth, the same concept applies.
Tip: If you can not get it to fit, try sanding the sides.
Finishing the Project

Wow, what a journey this has been. To finish off you are going to stick all the parts together, like building legos. For this, you are going to need
- Mouth
- The two halves of the pickle
- Eyes
- Brow
1. To start off stick the two halves together. Do this by gluing them together.
2. Add mouth into the designated slot. Pretty simple, use the sandpaper trick if it won't fit.
3. Put eyes into eye sockets, you know the drill
4. insert the brow into the brows place.
You are now done, Congratulations, enjoy.
Creator of STL files (MosaicManufacturing)