Picture Holder

I am making a picture holder. This helps so that your pictures aren't just sitting in a drawer. It would display memories from the past. Its a great way to share the pictures.

Pipe cleaner, wood sticks, Styrofoam, vase.

Take 5 or more wood sticks and wrap 2 pipe cleaners around the sticks.

Then take half of a pipe cleaner and make a swirl connect it to the end of the stick one each one to hold the picture.

Grab your Styrofoam and cut it to fit in the vase.

The put the sticks with the pipe cleaners on it and stick it in the Styrofoam then put the swirly pipe cleaners on then top of the stick. (Optional: you can paint the Styrofoam if you want to match the color of the vase)

Then you can add the pictures!