Pie Face

This is a question and answer game, whoever presses the button first has the right to answer
• Computer with scratch access https://scratch.mit.edu
• Makey makey https://makeymakey.com/
• 7 alligator cables
• 1 usb cable
• Base (can be cardboard, wood, plastic, styrofoam)
• Modeling clay or aluminum foil

1. Assemble the question and answer code from scratch or access mine that is already ready for you, click here https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/702412146/

2. Assemble the game table frame
(red, blue and green dots are alternatives)
A- up arrow (green)
B - down arrow (blue)
C - right arrow (red)
the towers are connected to the ground and the pink balls are players 1 (space key) and 2 (left arrow)
3. Plug the usb cable into the computer and makey makey