Pie Inside a Pie, Topped With Pi

by lizardo101 in Craft > Paper

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Pie Inside a Pie, Topped With Pi

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This project has two parts, the pie and the other pie. One is made of paper, the other is a plainly delicious pie. My explanation of this project is as confusing as Pi and contains the letter P in almost all my phrases.


Supplies for the paper pie:

  • coloured construction paper (brown/tan+pie filling colour+any colour for pi sign)
  • printer
  • scissors
  • glue
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • parchment paper

ingredients+supplies for the edible pie:


  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 6 tbsps butter
  • 1/4 cup ice water
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp sugar


you can make any filling of choice, preferably solid like pumpkin, pecan, chocolate, sweet potato, etc. Or follow this instructable to create a custard pie.

  • 3 eggs or 6 yolks
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 cups scalded milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup sugar


  • 9-inch pie tin

  • blender

Putting Together the Paper Pie Topped Off With a Pi

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To create the paper pie:

  1. print, and cut out the pie template.
  2. Trace it onto your cardstock, pieces 1&2 are the crust, while 3&4 are the filling.
  3. Score the dotted lines lightly with a knife. Not cutting through all the way, but enough to fold the tabs.
  4. Fold along the dotted lines.
  5. For the crust: glue the tabs to the sides to create the bottom.
  6. For the lid: do the same.
  7. For the filling: glue the end tabs from piece 4 to the sides of piece 3. Once it is dry, glue the bottom tabs of your newly formed triangle to the inside of the bottom crust.
  8. Trace or draw your own pi symbol on a piece of cardstock and cut it out, glue it to your pie top and you have a pi topped on a pie piece.

Parchment Paper Lining

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To create a parchment lining:

  1. Print out the lining template.
  2. Trace it onto a piece of parchment paper and draw diagonal lines from the corners to the edges. Cut along these new lines.
  3. Turn it around so the pencil lead is on the outside and fold along the uncut lines.
  4. Trim away any extra overhang.
  5. Fold the flaps.
  6. Slip the lining inside the box.

Pie Crust

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Depending on what kind of pie you make, you use a specific pie crust. If you are following this instruction, we are making custard pie.

Flaky pie crust:

1 1/2 cups flour

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp baking powder

6 tbsp of butter

1 tbsp sugar

Have ready: 1/4 cup of ice water

  1. Blend all the ingredients except the water in a food processor until the butter is the size of small peas.
  2. Transfer the mixture into a bowl and sprinkle 3 tbsps of your ice water over the mixture.
  3. Mix the dough with a fork, lifting the ingredients to allow moisture to spread.
  4. If the dough refuses to hold together, add a bit more water.
  5. If time allows, allow your dough to chill for up to 11 hours or at least 10 minutes.
  6. Roll out your pie crust until it is 1cm thick.
  7. Drape it over your pie/tart tin and pat it into place.
  8. Prick a bunch of holes in the bottom.
  9. Place parchment paper over your pie and fill it with pie weights or beans
  10. Bake at 400° for 10 minutes
  11. Once your pie crust is in the oven get to work on the filling immediately. The goal is to have the crust filled when it comes out of the oven so that you can put it back in right away.

Pie Filling

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Use any filling you like, but be warned, a sloppy filling might spill out and damage your paper pie.

Custard pie filling:

  1. Beat slightly 3 eggs or 6 yolks
  2. Add and stir well 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp salt, 2 cups scalded milk, 1 tsp vanilla extract
  3. Pour into your prebaked pie shell and back at 325° for 30 minutes

Pie Inception

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  1. Take your edible pie, and cut it into 8 equal pieces.
  2. Slip a piece of pie into your parchment lining
  3. Slip that into your pie box
  4. Cover your pie with its lid
  5. and you are done.
  6. You have a piece of pie, inside a pie, topped off with Pi

This is a fun and rather easy project to make. It takes about an hour, which is amazing considering it contains a pie from scratch.