Ping Pong Ball Holder

I made a ping pong ball holder in Fusion 360! This is an easy print and very easily costumizable to your ping pong tables dimensions.
North Broward Preparatory School
For this project, You will need a 3d printer, a ping pong table, a tape measure or ruler, and a laptop.

First, create a cylinder around 55-60mm in dimensions. This is larger than the average 40mm in diamater ping pong ball, but we will do something later for that.
Shell and Hole

Nest, you will turn that cylinder into a shell, with 45mm of space on the inside. so the outer shell should be around 10mm thick. You will then add a hole at the bottom that is 41mm in diameter. This hole should go through the entire bottom of the cylinder as shown in the picture.
Table Clamp

Next, get the measurments of your pong table, and create two cubes that are around 120mm in length and 53mm wide. You should then possition these one on top of the other, with a space in between them the size of your ping pong tables width on the table part.

Finally, print it! Look at how awesome it is!