Plant Me Too

Egg shells are very important for plants because they are rich in calcium. From eggshell powder you can obtein a biodegradable biomaterial to make pots for plants. It's possible to place the pots in the ground.
These pots are designed to replace plastic seedling containers
4 g sodium alginate
200 ml water
15 g eggshell powder
5 g agar agar

first mix the sodium alginate with water and let it rest for 24 hours

wash the egg shells and boil them for 10 minutes
put the egg shells in the oven for 15 minutes and let them dry

creates eggshell powder with a blender

mix the ogg powder and the agar agar with 20 g of hydrated alginate

shape the mixture obtained with your hands and give the desired shape

cover the surface with vinegar and leave to rest for an hour

after an hour wash with clean water and air dry