Plate of Eyes

- Plate
- Hershey Kisses
- White Powdered Donuts
- Red Gel Icing
Step 1: Donuts

First, you take your donut and put it on the plate. I took 7 and put them in a circle.
Step 2:The Hershey Kiss

Now, put the Hershey kiss in the center of the donut. You can put it upside down, cut the point off, or even do nothing. Be sure to unwrap the kiss.
Step 3: the Gel

Now you put the red gel on the donut. It is supposed to look like an eye. Put the gel on however you want.
Step 4: Eat It

You are done! Now you eat.
(This is my family tradition. We do it every year. The best part is it is a No-Bake treat.)