Poached Egg Ring

They say Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What better way to start the day than a poached egg on toast. It's even better if the egg can be contained so it doesn't spread out into oblivion when it is lowered into the boiling water. This tutorial sets out to show you how to make an egg ring from an aluminum beverage can.
Empty aluminium beverage can.
Cut Out a Loop Form a Beverage Can

After sourcing an empty aluminium beverage can, cut out an ring about 'yay' high.
Sand Off the Plastic Coating

The inner side of the ring will have a plastic coating on it. Sand this off using 240 grit sandpaper.
Clean the Beverage Can Ring

- After sanding, wash the ring well.
- Place into a pan of water.
- Add a couple of dessert spoons of white vinegar and half a teaspoon of salt to the water.
- Bring the water to the boil.
Crack the Egg Into the Ring

- Crack an egg into a lightly oiled ring.
- Place a lid on top of the pan.
- Poach for 4 minutes or so. (A timer is useful to keep track of the time).
Place on Toast

- Once the egg is cooked how you like it, remove it from the pan.
- Allow the water to drain.
- Place on buttered toast (or even better, buttered and Vegemite toast).
- Remove the aluminium ring.
Add Garnishing

- Add some chopped parsley.
- Crack on some pepper.
- Add some salmon if desired.