Pocket Hand Warmer

This year has been a very good year for cherries in England. So after making cherry and ginger jam and freezing what we couldn't eat we were left with a lot of cherry stones. These together with a pair of pockets from some old and beyond repair ladies jeans we could make a pair of pocket hand warmers.
Please note don't use pockets that have a metal rivet in them as the microwave won't like that!
Cherrystones, old jeans or any material, a needle and thread. a microwave oven and an infrared thermometer
Cut Your Pockets Out

Simply cut out the pockets and leave some extra material on for trimming later
Fill Your Pocket With Cherry Stones

Fill your pockets with cherry stones, but not too many for a small pocket we put in about 250 stones which weighed about 50grams.
Stitch Up the Pocket

This part was easy too, just double-threaded simple sowing. and tieing the knot off at the end
Trim Your Pockets

Carefully cut the spare material away

Not sure how hot the stones would get in the microwave. I measured the original temperate 22degrees Celsius about 72 degrees Fahrenheit after 30 seconds in an 800watt Microwave oven.

The final finished free pocket warmer that is handy in your pocket when the winter arrives.