Pocket Sized Speaker

Carry It Anywhere you go! Music thats On The Go! Hello everyone in this instructable (which is my first one) I'm going to show you how I made this Pocket Sized Speaker.
A Speaker
A earphone jack
A battery ( I recommend use a rechargeable one)
A bc547 Transistor
A tiny piece of PCB
Gather All Your Components

Gather all the components that I mentioned above....and almost forgot :) find a nice little container suitable to put your speaker into, in my case I used a slim nail box to put my speaker into, and also some wires. You will also need a soldering iron along with some flux and a glue gun. Alright now let's get to the next step.
Wire It All Up!

Use the schematics above to wire it all up.
Note - There are a three pins at the bottom of the breadboard that are for the headphone jack connections.

Now take your container and customize it so the speaker can fit in! Paint it if you like and there you are! A Pocket Sized Speaker, built to hear music on the go!