Poke'Mon Deck Box

easily made pokemon deck box can easily fit your 2 favorite decks.

adidas moves box (or any box i like perfume or cologne boxes)
construction paper
glue srick
construction paper
glue srick
Cut Logos and Characters and Decorate

use your pokemon knowledge and imigination
i plan on adding my favorite pokemon (Riachu) to go with my poke ball (Riachu will be on back)
make sure to wrap conatruction paper on corners and seal up bittim good as not to lose cards and keep box from flanging and falling apart. use some of the box( i used the sides because the cool holographic design.
i plan on adding my favorite pokemon (Riachu) to go with my poke ball (Riachu will be on back)
make sure to wrap conatruction paper on corners and seal up bittim good as not to lose cards and keep box from flanging and falling apart. use some of the box( i used the sides because the cool holographic design.
Finish and Add Cards

you can easily fit 2 decks as i havd a whole dexk on cases and atill have room on one side (you cand add tounge suppressor in middle of oside of box as separator. but i disnt do that.) take your card to your friends...battle and keep cards safe. (speay with a krylon clear coat to keep kond pf water proof