Pong Game on Scratch

Ever had a grown always that you keep on playing games made by other people instead of making your own?
I have. So to silence them i thought of making my own game,one from scratch.
Usually when people think of making games,they think of a long complicated process,but its actually quite easy.
All you will need is:
A computer
An active scratch account
And you your good to go!
The Backdrop

First we need to add a backdrop,for this one I'll use NEON TUNNEL but you can use any backdrop of your choosing
The Sprites

To add sprites,click on the cat sign at the bottom right of the screen.
I used a ball and a paddle,but you can use just about anything
Coding the Ball

Start with WHEN GREEN FLAG CLICKED block,then put a POINT IN DIRECTION 90 block under it.
Then take out a FOREVER block and inside it place a MOVE 10 STEPS block and an IF ON EDGE BOUNCE block. After that,take out an IF block from control,take out a TOUCHING block and select PADDLE.Put this in the IF block.Takeout a TURN 15 DEGREES block from motion,set it to 180 degrees then put it inside the IF block.
Coding the Paddle

To code the paddle,start by taking out a WHEN GREEN FLAG CLICKED block and a FOREVER block and inside it put a SET X TO block. Then go to SENSING and take out MOUSE X block and put it in the SET X TO block.
Now just add a score and some levels and you have a game!