Pool Noodle "sprinkler"

The objective of this project is too create a sprinkler our of an at home object. For this project you will need a sprinkler and a hose. Instead of standing outside and watering you grass you could take a pool noodle and cut as many holes as you want and attach the hose inside the noodle. Its that easy!
Cut Holes in Pool Noodle

For this step you will want to cut slits into your noodle. (Not too big because you don't want chunks of water but not too little because you want the water to go through. Also putting tape at the other end of top of the hole would help so the water doesn't flow out.)
Attach Hose

For this step you will now take your hose and put it inside the other end of the noodle.
Finally, Turn Your Hose on

Once you have it all set up turn the hose on and watch the water sprinkle on to your grass.