Poor Man's Bike Light

In this instructable i will show you how to make a bike light. or a flashlight for under 5 dollars.
Step 1: What You Need

You will need: (shown)
Tin can
Small light and holder ( 99 cents for packs five of each )
Large flat screwdriver
Electrical tape
Also: ( not shown)
Wire shears
Soldering iron and solder
Wire cutters/ strippers
Cable ties
9 Volt battery clip ( 99 cents )
9 Volt battery ( 99 cents )
A hammer
Tin can
Small light and holder ( 99 cents for packs five of each )
Large flat screwdriver
Electrical tape
Also: ( not shown)
Wire shears
Soldering iron and solder
Wire cutters/ strippers
Cable ties
9 Volt battery clip ( 99 cents )
9 Volt battery ( 99 cents )
A hammer
Step 2: Cut

Now take the screwdriver and the hammer, and make a hole in the back of the can. Then use the metal shears to make it a reasonable size. Also use them to make a hole in the side of the can, and 2 holes on either side at the back for cable ties.
Step 3: Solder Part

Now solder wires to the switch, and place it in the hole in the side of the can. Solder one wire to the light, and the other to the 9 volt battery clip. Then solder the last wire from the 9 volt battery clip to the light
Step 4: Glue

Now glue the switch into place. Put a layer of glue aroung the hole for the light, and let it dry. Now squeeze in the light, but DON'T glue it in, you may need to replace it.
Step 5: Finish
Now use the cable ties to tie up the wires, hook up the battery and tie that in pla e too. Also cover any exposed wires with tape. Sorry for not having a picture.

Now use cable ties through the holes in the back and secure it to your bike.
Final Note

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