Portable USB Charger

well this is a DIY portable USB charger for this you need 1 Female USB cord. 1 voltage regulator 5V
wires, solder, a small box , a switch , and a Hot glue gun. 1 LED 1 Resistor 220 ohms, and two 100 ohms Resistors
Cut the USB cord you will see 4 wires ,one RED, one White/blue , one Green/yellow, and one Black.
Place the Vol Reg facing you. the 1st leg from L to R is input, the middle is GND, and the last is 5V out
lets call them A.B,C from L to R
connect the battery POS to leg A.
The Red Wire from the USB Goes to Leg C
The two remaining wires from the USB, Each gets a 100 ohms Resistor , and then connect to Leg C
The BLACK wire from the USB goes to Leg B
The Red & Black wires from the Power supply " 9 v Batt" Get Connected to each terminal of the Switch.
The LED With the Resistor on the Shorter leg goes to Ground. And the other Goes to Positive.
I made two of these. the 1st Did not worked .arrrggggg
the Second did work Yeah......
Question for anyone my 9 V battery gets very Hot so hot that i had to pull the plug. it gets hot while unit is off. any ideas
Since posting this.. I have Removed the LED Now its Connected Directly to the 5V Regulator.
And Guess What??? The battery Still Over Heating.......
I put a Diode Between The Power " Batt" and The Switch on the + wire.
Battery Still Heating Up.?????????????
Update I am No longer using this its a small Paper Weight.
wires, solder, a small box , a switch , and a Hot glue gun. 1 LED 1 Resistor 220 ohms, and two 100 ohms Resistors
Cut the USB cord you will see 4 wires ,one RED, one White/blue , one Green/yellow, and one Black.
Place the Vol Reg facing you. the 1st leg from L to R is input, the middle is GND, and the last is 5V out
lets call them A.B,C from L to R
connect the battery POS to leg A.
The Red Wire from the USB Goes to Leg C
The two remaining wires from the USB, Each gets a 100 ohms Resistor , and then connect to Leg C
The BLACK wire from the USB goes to Leg B
The Red & Black wires from the Power supply " 9 v Batt" Get Connected to each terminal of the Switch.
The LED With the Resistor on the Shorter leg goes to Ground. And the other Goes to Positive.
I made two of these. the 1st Did not worked .arrrggggg
the Second did work Yeah......
Question for anyone my 9 V battery gets very Hot so hot that i had to pull the plug. it gets hot while unit is off. any ideas
Since posting this.. I have Removed the LED Now its Connected Directly to the 5V Regulator.
And Guess What??? The battery Still Over Heating.......
I put a Diode Between The Power " Batt" and The Switch on the + wire.
Battery Still Heating Up.?????????????
Update I am No longer using this its a small Paper Weight.