Pro LED Fan Mod

by XOIIO in Circuits > LEDs

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Pro LED Fan Mod

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In this instructable i will show how to make the LED fan with reed switches and magnets.

Step 1: What You Need

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You will need:
A fan
Reed switches
9 volt battery and holder
LED strips
Soldering iron and solder
Hot glue gun and glue

Step 2: Getting the LED Strips.

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Buy one of those umbrella lights from the dollar store, take it apart and desolder the connecting leads and you will have 4 strips of 8 LED's. YAY! Super cheap!

Step 3: How to Get She Seed Switches

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Buy a window alarm and open the case, find the skinny glass tube, desaolder it and you have it, do this twice, or for however many LED strips you use.

Step 4: Start

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Start by cleaning and removing the grate from the fan. Then prepare the LED strips and 4 wires by stripping 1 cm from each end. Then solder wires to the positive and negative of each LED strip. Also solder a wire to each end of the 2 ( or more ) reed switches. Have all the wires as long as a fan blade for both.

Step 5: Solder and Glue

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Now glue the LED strips to the fan blades, and the reed switches to either a clear blade ( what i did ) or further apart. then solder one wire from the reed switch to one from the LED strips. Do this to each, and make sure they are the same polarity ( + / - ). Now take the other 2 wires From the LED strips and solder tham together, do the same with the 2 from the reed switches. Then take the wires from the reed switches and solder them to the positive from the 9 volt battery clip. Solder a switch to the negative, and hook that up to the LED strip wires. Clip on the battery and glue it to the center of the fan. Then glue all of the loose wires into place.

Step 6: Magnets

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I'm sure that you do, but if you didn't, reed switches work on the rinciple of 2 small metal tabs being held together by a magnet, so we need some. Take some magnets, you need strond ones, and glue them to the inside of the fan grate. Thats pretty much it.

Step 7: Done

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Now place the gratew back on the pan, and your done! Here are some pics of the fan.


Here are 2 movies of the fan.


Dont let your friends poke their finger into the wires while it is runing. I left mine alone too long and he wrecked it. Now i need a new switch and some more wires.

Final Note.

Thank you for viewing my instructable, please visit my others and vote for them in the "Get The LED Out" contest. Please leave any comments, questions or suggestions that you may have, and please rate my instructables. If you don't wan't to waatch my movies here, I'll soon be posting the to my youtube page. Just search for PopSciLover. Thank you, and i can't wait for your feedback!